Ikon welcomes school groups and offers tours, workshops, free online resources and activity packs.

Explore Ikon’s educational offer for school groups, including information about tours and workshops, plus free online resources. Find out about Ikon’s future exhibitions and plan your visit.

Ikon’s workshops introduce students to the exhibitions, aiming to develop creative and critical thinking skills when talking about and making art. Speak to our Education Team about how these workshops can support curriculum areas.

60-minute guided tours are available for groups, providing specialist insight and opportunities. Priced £30, advance booking is essential for tours. Maximum group size is 30 students.

Ikon’s activity packs (Key Stages 1-3) are free to download. For the current pack we ask you to answer some very short questions. Activity packs for past exhibitions also available.
Ikon is proud to be working in partnership with schools and settings on their Artsmark Award journey. By supporting Artsmark settings, we’re helping put the arts at the heart of education, inspiring young people to create, experience and participate in high quality arts and culture. Find out more about Artsmark at artsmark.org.uk
Arts Award
Ikon is an Arts Award centre and members of the Education team are trained to deliver Arts Award at any level as part of a visit to the gallery.
For more information, contact the Education Team on 0121 248 0708 or email education@ikon-gallery.org

Pitched just right for the group; the gallery staff spent time developing a day that was exactly what I was looking for … The pupils were challenged by both the artworks themselves and the practical activities throughout the day as the leader guided them to make links between the exhibitions and their own work.
Class Teacher