EVENT23.03.2010 / 10.00am6.00pm

Flatpack Festival

Ikon Eastside, 183 Fazeley Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5SE

Ikon and 7 Inch Cinema present a programme of ?lms and talks as part of the fourth Flatpack Festival, taking over venues across the city at the end of March. Alongside the highlights listed here there’s a rare chance to see the work of
structuralist ?lmmaker Takashi Ito, hallucinatory claymation from Bruce Bickford and a voyage through two-tone Coventry plus shorts, documentaries and a magic lantern show.

To view the full schedule of events and buy tickets visit: www.flatpackfestival.org.uk

Highlights at Ikon Eastside include:
As I Was Walking Down Bristol Street (1983)
Wednesday 24 March, 6.30pm (120 minutes)

A screening of author David Lodge’s TV documentary plus an exploration of Birmingham’s cultural scene in the 1930s, with Lodge, ?lm producer Roger Shannon and Tessa Sidey, curator, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

Thursday 25 March, 8pm (150 minutes)
A double-bill of ?  lth and fantasy, including Cody Critcheloe’s ?rst feature-length movie entitled Boy (2009) and a rare screening of John Waters  legendary Pink Flamingos (1972), starring Divine.

Build Them in the Mind
Friday 26 March, 6.30pm (110 minutes)
A programme of work looking at how urban planning helped to shape minimalist art in the 1970s, including the UK premiere of Redmond Entwistle’s Monuments.

Paul Sharits
Sunday 28 March, 1pm (75 mins)

A selection of in?  uential ? icker-?lms and structural work from the 1960s.


Event Date

This event has passed

1 Oozells Square, Brindleyplace
Birmingham, B1 2HS

GALLERY: +44 (0)121 248 0708
SHOP: +44 (0)121 248 0711

Ikon is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, and Birmingham City Council.

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