Slow Boat28.06.2015

Black Country Voyages at The International Festival of Glass

Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 May at the International Festival of Glass- The Redhouse Glass Cone, Stourbridge

For two days Black Country Voyages was moored up at the Redhouse Glass Cone. We are becoming regulars at the cone now and it was great to be back with a new project. We were very lucky to be invited to have Black Country Voyages at one of the venues involved in the International Festival of Glass, Stourbridge.

During the two days we were moored up next to the cone and held bookable workshops on board the boat. The public had the chance to work with Jacques to create tissue paper collages taking inspiration from local weeds. It was great to see young people getting involved and creating a piece of work that they could take away with them on the day. Jacques also discussed how herbs were used in remedies and could be made into concoctions such as herbal tea and sweets.

There were lots of new faces who had never seen Black Country Voyages before or visited Ikon, so it would be great to see them returning in the future. We plan on returning in the Summer.



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Birmingham, B1 2HS

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Ikon is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, and Birmingham City Council.

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