Love Culture, Hate Cuts
We need your support!
Please sign our petition to reverse the proposed cuts to cultural funding in the Birmingham City Council 2019 Budget.
Since 2010 most of Birmingham’s main cultural organisations have already faced cuts of around 80%. Birmingham City Council are now proposing a further cut of nearly 50% in their grants to arts and cultural organisations
The proposed cuts would have a huge impact on Birmingham’s cultural sector which makes a vital contribution to this city’s economy and reputation, benefiting hundreds of thousands of Birmingham residents each year.
The work of the organisations facing these cuts reaches out into the communities of the city with powerful effect and influence, directly supporting social and community engagement. The cuts proposed put these vital arts programmes at risk.
Birmingham has relied on the investment, vitality and development of these cultural organisations in the regeneration of the city, including the successful 2022 Commonwealth Games bid. This regeneration will only be successful if the cultural organisations that animate and activate this city are thriving.
Culture in the city has suffered enough.
Remove the proposed cuts from the 2019+ budget and finally realise the exciting and extraordinary power of the cultural sector in the city.
Please sign our petition.