Ikon offers and encourages access to art for everyone. Entry to all Ikon exhibitions is free and we are an inclusive, safe space.
The gallery is accessible to all visitors and this page gives information on accessibility and facilities at Ikon to help plan your visit.

Access to building and facilities
- For accessibility information check out our Detailed Access Guide on the AccessAble website.
- Ikon has level access from the street. The passenger lift, with embossed controls, provides access to all facilities.
- All public access doors are a minimum of 750mm wide.
- Lockers are available for leaving heavy baggage. Please ask at reception.
- A wheelchair is available for use by visitors.
- The reception and shop desk are at accessible heights with knee hole access for wheelchairs.
- Toilets are available on the ground and first floors and are fully accessible for disabled visitors or visitors with limited dexterity.
- Baby changing facilities are available on the ground floor.
- Evacuation chairs are available for emergency use.
- We welcome guide and hearing dogs.
- Café facilities with level access and table service.
- Orange and blue badge holders may park on double yellow lines on Oozells Street in accordance with badge guidelines. what3words location.
- Ikon is a member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme
- A prayer space can be made available on request (accessed via a number of steps).

Exhibitions provision for visitors
- Friendly, well-trained staff are available to welcome you and provide assistance to visitors and insight about Ikon and the exhibitions.
- We’re using QR codes for digital interpretation to enhance your visit.
- Exhibition guides with large print text are available.
- Portable seating is available in the exhibition galleries.
- Tours tailored to visitor needs are available on request. This includes Audio Description and British Sign Language (BSL). Advanced booking essential – to book call Ikon on 0121 248 0708 or email the Education team education@ikon-gallery.org
- There is clear signage throughout with a minimum recommended text size for labels and signage.
- Localised hearing loops are installed at Reception and Shop. Our galleries and Events Room are provisioned with perimeter hearing loops – please notify staff in advance if you require this facility when attending events. A portable amplifier option is also available by request.